
Home History


“The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled- Plutarch”

Green Model Higher Secondary is an embodiment of this idea. We have been igniting the spark of education and kindling it into a fire for the last 42 years. The foundation stone of Green Model Hr. Sec. School, Doda was laid in 1977. It came into existence as a pre- primary school and developed into a full-fledged higher secondary within a short span of 22 years.

Currently, it is the only private higher secondaryin Doda district providing innovative education. Itis a co-educational school, day-boarding school spread across 21,760 square feet area in an unpolluted, inspiring and happy environment. Green Model Higher Secondary School is on the path to relentless growth because we are alwaysstriving for excellence.

Our Belief

Inclusive Education is a pairing of philosophy and pedagogy with the aim of ensuring that no child, however different from expectations and general norms, feels alienated and inadequate.

Each child must feel confident of himself or herself and his or her abilities and capacities, respected and wanted for what he or she is and therefore safe and secure.

With this comes learning and developing, taking into account differences in strengths and shortcomings.

Core Values

“To nurture individuals towards excellence in a happy, value based and progressive learning community”

Child Centric

We strongly believe in Child Centric approach to allow the child to make their own choices and establish their own ideas towards promoting competent communication and learning. Helping them evolve mentally and physically, encouraging them to lead healthy lives.


Innovation is everywhere in our rapidly-changing world. It’s one of those terms used often, but rarely defined. If creativity is the ability to generate new ideas, innovation can be thought of as the processes of bringing those new ideas to realization.

Mutal Respect

An environment of mutual trust and respect is necessary if the institution is to promote integrity. Mutual trust and respect are prerequisites for open communication and honest dialogue about values, goals and expectations.

Commitment To Excellence

“Excellence is an art won by training and habituation. We do not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence, but we rather have those because we have acted rightly. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.” – Aristotle

The quality of our work is directly proportional to the commitment we practice.